Romantic relationships can be complicated. In our longing for intimacy, we often ignore subtle red flags and suppress our misgivings. But when we give others power over our self-worth, we become vulnerable to emotional manipulation.

Through naive trust or hope, we may tolerate behaviors that quietly erode our confidence and independence. But by understanding common manipulation tactics, we can recognize them early and respond wisely.

In my late twenties, still recovering from a turbulent relationship, I immersed myself in understanding psychology and personal growth. I devoured books and articles to comprehend why I had tolerated mistreatment and to gain skills for healthier relationships. Though painful, it was a precious learning experience.

Through in-depth research, conversations with counselors, and insights from my own mistakes, I gathered keys for identifying and addressing emotional manipulation when it arises. I want to share what I learned so you can avoid unnecessary grief on your journey toward love.

Manipulators secretly undermine your reality. Their tactics erode self-trust, until you no longer recognize your own inner voice

Chapter 1: Recognizing Emotional Manipulation

To manipulate someone emotionally is to influence their feelings or actions through deceptive, exploitative, or abusive means. While overt threats or violence may be involved, it more commonly shows up as covert mind games that the victim struggles to name or prove.

Abusers often initially present the most charming version of themselves to draw you in. But once emotional bonds form, their tactics emerge.

Without self-awareness of their impact, manipulators may genuinely believe their behaviors are justified to “keep the relationship together” or “make their partner happy.” But the underlying drive is about power and control.

This diverges greatly from healthy relating, where each individual maintains personal autonomy while generously nurturing the other’s growth and freedom.

The following are ten common manipulation tactics. Becoming aware of them is key to recognizing potential problems early.

01. Love Bombing

When someone showers you with flattery, gifts, and constant attention very quickly, be wary. Known as “love bombing,” this is rarely genuine caring but a calculated bid to hook you emotionally so they can more easily influence you later.

Jessica, 28, recalls her ex, Ted, seeming absolutely perfect when they first met. “He constantly texted me things like ‘I can’t stop thinking about you,’ sent huge bouquets of flowers, and took me on over-the-top dates. It felt like a fairy tale romance. But it was just a ploy to get me addicted to the attention.”

2. Hot and Cold

Once they’ve hooked you with love bombing, manipulators often shift between acting very warm and affectionate to suddenly distant and cold. These extremes keep you anxious and constantly vying for their attention and approval. It’s an attempt to make you emotionally dependent.

“Leo would act so loving one day, then give me the silent treatment for days, barely responding to my texts,” shares Maya, 30. “It kept me in constant uncertainty, craving the ‘good’ Leo who made me feel so special.”

3. Intermittent Reinforcement

Like gambling, you never know when you’ll “win” their affection. This uncertainty is addictive, so you end up repeatedly trying to please them, hoping for rewards of attention and approval.

Tracy, 25, dated Abe in college. “Sometimes, when I cooked his favorite meal, he’d rave about what an amazing girlfriend I was. But other times, he’d barely say thank you. I never knew how he’d react.”

4. Judge/Superior

Abusers act superior to make you work for their approval. Tactics include frequently canceling plans, openly flirting with others, and acting bored when you share feelings.

“Josh kept checking his Instagram feed when we’d talk,” says Lee, 32. “When I got upset, he’d accuse me of being too needy and dramatic.”

5. Triangulation

Comparing you to others provokes jealousy and insecurity, which they use to control you. Exes, friends, and potential new partners become threats you feel you must compete against.

“Steven would constantly talk about this woman from work, 

Helena, who I eventually found out he was cheating with,” says Adele, 29. “He made me feel I wasn’t as fun, smart, or attractive as she was. It really messed with my self-esteem.”

6.“Harmless” Rejection

They claim they care but give vague reasons why they “can’t commit right now,” keeping you vying for their affection.

Monica, 24, had been dating Rob for months when she asked about becoming official.

“He said he liked me so much but needed time to work on himself first. It kept me hanging on, trying to prove I was the right girl for him.”

7. Breadcrumbing

Leaving “breadcrumbs” of affection keeps you chasing their intermittent attention. But they avoid real commitment.

“Lucas only texts me late at night, sends the occasional meme, or likes my social media posts,” says Zoe, 21. “But when I try to make plans, he ghosts me. I keep hoping, though.”

8. Guilt Trips

If you assert boundaries, they use guilt to keep controlling you. Exaggerated claims of sacrifice or misery may follow.

“Whenever I confronted Matt about his flakiness, he’d get dramatic,” says Racquel, 35. “He said my expectations were too high and no one would ever care for me like he did.”

9. Making Excuses

They make commitments without follow-through and then offer plausible explanations as to why it didn’t happen. This strung-along hoping breeds complacency.

Jada, 33, recalls, “Jerome would say he’d do something I wanted, like plan a date night or visit my parents. But he’d never actually do it. There was always some excuse—he got caught up at work, or his friend was going through something.”

10. Discrediting Your Reality

They call you too sensitive or delusional if you question their behavior. This convinces you not to trust your perceptions.

“When I got upset with Nina, she’d say I was just being irrational and needed to calm down,” shares Omar, 28. “It made me constantly second-guess myself.”

Chapter 2: Why People Manipulate in Relationships

Manipulation in relationships arises largely from attachment wounds, low self-worth, and lack of emotional regulation skills. Painful early experiences create subconscious beliefs that “no one would love me for who I really am.” This breeds an inability to express authentic needs and desires.

Manipulative behaviors then become misguided coping mechanisms stemming from:

Fear of abandonment – They desperately want love but don’t believe they can receive it through genuine vulnerability. So, they resort to controlling tactics.

Low self-esteem – They require constant validation. Putting you down or provoking jealousy helps them feel valued and powerful.

Lack of fulfillment – They secretly feel empty inside, so they seek a sense of purpose through dominance and superiority over others.

Insecurity about intimacy – Genuine closeness triggers their wounds and defenses. Sabotaging intimacy allows them to keep up emotional walls.

Need for control – Their world feels chaotic and unsafe. Controlling you provides an illusion of stability and security.

Avoidance of responsibility – Blame, excuses, and guilt shift accountability for their problems onto others.

Lack of empathy – They project their pain and bitterness onto relationships. A limited ability to care for others’ experiences fuels disregard.

Narcissism – They desire admiration and privilege. Devaluation, exploitation, and using others as status symbols satisfy egocentric needs.

Though these causes evoke some compassion, they never justify harming others.

Chapter 3: Signs of a Toxic Relationship

While occasional misunderstandings and hurts occur in all relationships, consistent manipulation is a red flag. Here are other signs:

  • You constantly second-guess yourself and struggle to make “logical” sense of their behavior.
  • You feel tremendous anxiety about potentially upsetting them.
  • You feel like you’re “walking on eggshells” and must censor your true feelings.
  • You obsess over how to gain their attention, validation, or forgiveness.
  • You have this gnawing sense they’re hiding something, or you can’t fully trust them.
  • When you raise concerns, they dismiss, justify, or blame you. Issues never get respectfully resolved.
  • You feel like a supporting actor in their life saga rather than an equal priority.
  • They show little concern for your needs and become annoyed when you assert them.
  • There’s a creepy feeling they’re using you for status, money, sex, companionship, or image.

Listen to your gut. Even if they seem amazing when things are good, consistent emotional anguish and neglect indicate a toxic situation. Don’t ignore those signals.

Chapter 4: Effects of Emotional Manipulation

While people may remain in unhealthy relationships for many reasons – scarcity mentality, abandonment issues, hoped-for change, attachment to the highs – the longer one stays, the more damage accrues through:

Lost autonomy – You doubt your own judgment and needs because they’re constantly criticized. Instead, you analyze and cater to their ever-shifting wants and reactions.

Depleted self-worth – Criticism, indifference, insults, guilt trips, flaunting of other options, and undermining your perceptions impact your self-esteem.

Increased anxiety – You’re constantly stressed about displeasing them, being reprimanded or abandoned. This can lead to physical effects like weight loss/gain, insomnia, fatigue, or headaches.

Isolation – They disparage friends or family who express concern. Over time, you withdraw from other supportive connections.

Addictive attachment – Like trauma bonding, their periodic affection or kindness keeps you hoping things will improve if you just love them better.

Normalized abuse – Manipulation that may have seemed shocking early on gradually becomes accepted as “just how they are.” This erodes boundaries.

Learned helplessness – When consistently denied your basic needs – physical affection, mutual respect, emotional security – you stop believing you deserve these things.

Shame and self-blame – There is shame in accepting intolerable treatment or “letting someone have so much power over you.” Their blame-shifting can further distort your self-image.

If you’re experiencing several of these effects, it’s critically important to address them. Know that you are worthy of true care and respect. You have the power to create it.

Chapter 5: If You Suspect Manipulation

If you notice manipulation brewing in a relationship, your first response should be compassionate observation and communication. Confronting someone may put them on the defensive. Express what you’re noticing, how it makes you feel, and what you need using “I statements.”

A reasonable person will respond maturely, clarifying any misunderstanding and making adjustments to address your needs. But pathological manipulators tend to respond to boundaries with more acute tactics to disable or punish you.

Becoming their fantasy is often an impossibility. Anything that challenges their false self-image will provoke rage or other means to hoover them back into the dysfunction.

If sincere conversations are stonewalled, and your gut warns you that something feels off, don’t doubt yourself. No amount of unconditional love can single-handedly heal someone unwilling to take responsibility for their wounds.

Though leaving can feel devastating, it’s a priceless chance to reclaim your power and recalibrate your standards for acceptable treatment. Each day away begins to shed the distorted perspectives that became entrenched in your psyche.

You learn you can survive their disapproval or indifference. Slowly, the fog lifts. The sun comes out. And you hear your own voice clearly again.

Chapter 6: Healing from Manipulation

Though painful, here are gifts gained when recovering from emotional manipulation:

Self-awareness – You gain a profound understanding of your own patterns – why you overlooked red flags, the roots of people-pleasing, where you need more boundaries.

Empowerment – You reclaim authority over your life. Renewed trust in your inner wisdom emerges.

Compassion – For them, for yourself, for the shared human struggles. Forgiveness lifts the burden of resentment.

Better boundaries – You learn to act sooner on the early red flags you ignored before. Deal-breakers become clearer.

Emotional literacy – You become fluent in reading manipulation tactics. You can name feelings versus stuffing them.

Independence – Your self-esteem no longer requires someone’s validation. Solitude feels peaceful.

Self-worth – You accept your sensitivity as an asset. Prioritizing your needs and values feels natural.

New insights – You gain wisdom and skills to foster healthy relationships, communicate needs, and resolve conflicts.

Courage – Enduring the grief of letting go builds confidence you can handle hardship.

Discernment – Your selection filter improves. Surface charm and words matter less than actions and energy.

You emerge wiser and more grounded in who you are. The future looks bright.

Chapter 7: Cultivating Healthy Relationships

While overcoming manipulation brings growth, for lasting fulfillment, our souls yearn to love and be loved. By taking it slowly and applying new wisdom, healthy relationships can flourish.

Get to know them gradually.

Avoid enmeshing intensely without really knowing someone. Vet suitability over an extended time before intertwining your lives.

Note red flags

Small lies, entitled attitudes, and disrespectful speech all reveal character. Don’t make excuses.

Communicate often

Share feelings freely. Work through conflicts maturely. Meet each other’s needs.

Maintain healthy independence

Keep nurturing self-care routines, hobbies, and outside friendships. Don’t lose yourself.

Speak up about issues

Don’t swallow discomfort, hoping it will improve. Voice it skillfully so they can respond.

Expect equal effort

Healthy relationships are a two-way street. You both should initiate and invest.

Honor your boundaries

Respect your own needs as much as theirs. Compromise should never feel sacrificial.

Trust your intuition

If someone consistently erodes your peace or needs to control you, listen to that inner knowing.

Leave with grace

If they can’t meet your needs and you must move on, do so with compassion, direct communication, and commitment to your own growth.


May this guide provide clarity and courage. You possess enormous power to sculpt a life of meaningful connections, purpose, and joy.

First, develop that unshakable inner foundation, a sense of your value. From that centered place, you can then interact with others from a space of wholeness.

With wisdom and discernment, fruitless detours will decrease. Supportive kindred spirits will be drawn to your light. And if challenges arise, you’ll have the strength to address them with grace or let go with wisdom to protect the sanctuary of your spirit.

You are the master alchemist. Transform adversity into self-knowledge, unhealthy bonds into lessons, and endings into new beginnings. The future awaits, bright with potential. Move forth boldly, but not without care for those you meet along the way.