7 Secret Habits of Mentally Strong People

Written by Linda Wilson

August 2, 2024

Transform your mindset, transform your life

As a life coach, I’m constantly inspired by clients who exude resilience and mental fortitude, even during difficult times. Their ability to stay grounded comes from small but mighty mindset shifts — choosing empowering perspectives over victim mentalities.

Through my work, I’ve identified five habits that set these mentally strong individuals apart. By adopting their mindsets, you, too, can access deeper reserves of inner calm, confidence, and emotional stability.

Let’s dive in:

1. Replacing Rumination with Mindfulness

Clients like Robin used to ruminate endlessly on problems, rehashing worries in their heads on repeat. Obsessive negative thoughts drained her mental energy and torpedoed her productivity.

Through mindfulness techniques, Robin learned to catch herself spiraling, pause, and redirect her focus to the present moment. Simply tuning into physical sensations, sounds, and sights around her short-circuits rumination. Robin also transformed her self-talk — when old thought patterns resurface, she reminds herself, “This already happened; I cannot change the past by agonizing over it now.”

Like Robin, schedule time daily to calm your mind through meditation, deep breathing, or savoring a warm cup of tea, be present; rumination cannot coexist with conscious awareness and gratitude for this very moment.

2. Meeting Rudeness with Compassion

As a nurse, my client, Daniel, was often subjected to rude remarks and demanding behavior from stressed patients. Over time, the nonstop negativity exhausted and hardened him.

We explored how Daniel could retain empathy and understanding even when facing thoughtlessness. Focusing on patients’ fear and pain beneath the surface allowed Daniel to remain centered. He visualized sending compassion to gruff patients. With practice, Daniel was able to ‘hear the unspoken’ and respond with patience.

Similarly, seek the humanity behind hurtful words and actions. Anger often masks vulnerability; greeting rudeness with compassion preserves your inner peace.

3. Feedback as Fuel for Growth

Like many creatives, my writer client Nina took criticism of her work very personally, seeing edit notes as attacks on her talent and ability. This left her discouraged and resistant to improving.

Together, we reframed feedback as a gift — an external perspective to help Nina refine and elevate her skills. She practiced self-compassion, reminding herself that no writer is flawless, especially early on. Now, she eagerly solicits input from editors, seeing critique through the lens of growth.

Remember, we all have blind spots. Feedback illuminates areas where you can improve. The mentally strong view criticism as fuel to develop talents.

4. Defining Success On Your Own Terms

As an entrepreneur, my client Marcus was running on empty, striving to match the monetary success of peers. Though profitable, Marcus’ wellness startup left him unfulfilled.

By reconnecting with his core motivations — helping others live vibrantly — Marcus realigned with his version of success. He transitioned to coaching, sacrificing some earning potential but gaining joy and meaning.

Tune out society’s benchmarks for achievement. What lifestyle lights you up? Mentally strong individuals define success on their own terms and then confidently take action toward that vision. Fulfillment comes from within.

5. Accepting the Past as Prologue

Clients like Luis struggled to move forward in their careers due to regrets over past decisions. Rather than building on experience, Luis second-guessed his every move.

We shifted perspective: the past prepared you for now. Though Luis could not undo earlier choices, he extracted lessons to inform his path ahead. By acknowledging his life’s trajectory as an ongoing learning journey, he stopped judging himself. With acceptance came freedom.

Ask yourself: How have past ups and downs equipped you for the present? Mentally strong people draw wisdom from all seasons of life without attachment to unchangeable mistakes or losses.

6. Facing Fear with Courage

My anxious client, Marina, constantly imagined worst-case scenarios, from job rejections to illnesses. She allowed fear to limit her goals and activities.

Together, we confronted Marina’s ‘what-ifs’ with facts and common sense. We also reframed anxiety as excitement to rewire her mindset. Now, when Marina feels scared before a speech or job interview, she rechannels it into positive adrenaline. By running toward, not away from discomfort, her confidence soars.

Like Marina, view fears as invites for courage. Avoidance only magnifies trepidation. You often regret what you didn’t do far more than reasonable risks taken.

7. Finding Opportunity in Obstacles

When the pandemic threatened his business, my entrepreneur client Rahul naturally felt overwhelmed. But leaning into resilience, he asked himself, “What opportunities does this challenge present?”

Rahul’s restaurant adapted to include meal delivery and outdoor seating, actually increasing revenue. By rejecting victimhood and getting creative, setbacks can become springboards. Rahul models the mentally strong approach of saying yes to life’s lemons and making lemonade.

Next time you face a difficulty, pause negative projections. Ask yourself: “What can I create from this?” Obstacles test our mettle and reveal possibilities unseen in our comfort zones. You often discover your greatest strengths when pressed.

Key Takeaways on Mental Strength

Daily life requires emotional resilience and the ability to roll with the punches. By managing your perspective and thought patterns, you build mental muscle to navigate obstacles with flexibility and inner steadiness. Mental strength is not innate; it is a skill accessible to all through mindset shifts.

I hope these examples of mentally strong clients provided inspiration for accessing your own mental fortitude. What strategies and mindsets help you stay centered when faced with challenges? I’d love to hear your experiences and insights below. And as always, thank you for reading — in this journey together, we uplift and empower each other.