10 Simple Hacks to Boost Your Mental Health

Written by Linda Wilson

August 2, 2024

Looking for ways to improve your mental health? Try these simple hacks

As a life coach, I have watched many clients struggle to balance their work, family, and personal lives, but if we think it through carefully. Getting caught up in the whirlwind of responsibility often means we neglect our mental health. And yet, looking after our minds is every bit as important as taking care of our bodies.

Over the years, I’ve learned a few simple yet surprising ways to integrate gratitude, mindfulness, and joy into everyday life. Think of this as your manual for incorporating methods that can enrich your mood and bolster your mental health.

1. Greet the Morning with Gratitude

Leaping up from bed and ratcheting off to the phone is no substitute for spending a few moments first thing in the morning to be grateful. Keep a journal by your bed and list the three things for which you’re grateful. It could be something as simple as a good night’s sleep, your cozy blankets, or your beating heart. Beginning the day with an attitude of — gratitude creates a stronger aura of positivity.

I remember Wendy, one of our clients. She suffered from anxiety and depression. When she started a gratitude ritual, everything changed. Wendy realized she had much to remember, even on the worst days. It gave her hope and resilience.

2. Disconnect to Reconnect

Constant digital chatter can quickly clutter our minds. Set boundaries and designate tech-free time blocks during your day. Maybe it’s an hour in the morning or evening when you intentionally disconnect. No emails, no social media scrolling, no distraction.

Use this time to connect with yourself and your surroundings. Sip some tea mindfully, go for a meditative walk, and play with your kids or pets. Tuning out the digital noise leaves mental space to tune into the real world and the present moment.

One client, James, was addicted to his smartphone. After our coaching sessions, he now puts his phone in a drawer for at least 2 hours a day. He’s reclaimed time to read books, play guitar, and be fully immersed in his offline experiences.

3. Infuse Your Day with Mini Mindfulness Moments

You don’t need long meditation sessions to reap the benefits of mindfulness. Integrate quick 1–2 minute breathing breaks throughout your day. Set a chime on your phone to remind you to come into the present.

When it rings, pause what you’re doing. Close your eyes. Take five deep breaths. Observe the sensations in your body. Then, gently open your eyes and proceed with more focus and clarity.

These mindfulness resets help you regularly check in with yourself. They can be done anywhere at any time. I encourage my clients to make it a habit.

4. Harness the Healing Power of Nature

Nature has remarkable healing and restorative properties for our busy minds. Get outside daily, even if just for a few minutes. Mindfully observe your natural surroundings using all five senses. Studies show that being in nature lowers stress, anxiety, and depression. It boosts mood, focus, and creativity.

My client Sarah began taking brief nature walks during her lunch break at work. She reported feeling calmer and more energized in the afternoons. It became her favorite form of self-care to break up the office routine.

5. Practice Random Acts of Kindness

When you do something kind for someone else, it activates pleasure centers in the brain. You get a boost of feel-good chemicals like serotonin and endorphins. It’s a win-win where both the giver and receiver benefit.

Look for small ways to practice kindness daily. It could be as simple as holding the door for someone, sending a thank you email, or leaving an encouraging note for a loved one. These moments of human connection have a profoundly uplifting effect on mental well-being.

6. Turn Chores Into Mindful Moments

Mundane chores like washing dishes, folding laundry, and vacuuming can actually be transformed into meditative experiences. Here’s a life coach’s secret — turn them into exercises in mindfulness!

Focus completely on the sights, sounds, smells, and tactile sensations of the chore. Let go of worrying about other things you “should” be doing. Zero in on the present activity. You’ll likely find yourself feeling more content and centered.

7. Schedule Play Time

As adults, we often view play as an indulgence or waste of time when it’s actually vital for mental health. Play stimulates creativity, relieves stress, and connects us to joy. Carve out time each day for play — whether it’s dancing, coloring, playing a sport, or anything that taps into your inner childlike spirit.

One of my clients, Janet, felt bogged down by responsibilities. I encouraged her to schedule one playful activity daily. Now, she looks forward to her Beyonce dance parties and Sunday morning jump rope sessions. They energize and uplift her.

8. Develop a Nightly Gratitude Ritual

Bookend your day with gratitude by cultivating a bedtime ritual. Right before bed, write down three good things that happened that day and why you’re grateful for them. Recall the sights, sounds, and feelings of those positive moments. This allows you to end your day on an uplifting note.

Studies found people who did this sleep ritual felt increased happiness, less depression, and were more motivated to achieve goals. It’s a soothing way to calm the mind before bed.

9. Release Worries Through Writing

If you have anxious thoughts swirling before bed, put them down on paper. Grab a journal and write a stream-of-consciousness brain dump of your worries. Don’t hold back. The act of externalizing your thoughts is therapeutic.

Once you write down all your concerns, visualize handing them over to your higher power or the universe. Trust that things will work out how they’re meant to. Then, close your journal and remind yourself to live in the present.

10. Nourish Your Body with Whole Foods

What we feed our bodies directly impacts our minds. Minimize processed foods, sugars, and chemical additives, which can deplete your mental energy. Eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins. Hydrate with water throughout the day.

Supplements like fish oil, vitamin D, and probiotics can also optimize your mood and cognition. Taking care of your physical health strengthens your mental fitness from the inside out.

The pressures of modern life put our sanity to the test. By being intentional and integrating small acts of self-care and mindfulness into your routine, you’ll feel more equipped to thrive. Try out a few of these techniques and notice your outlook improve day by day. Your future self will thank you.