10 Psychological Tricks That Actually Work on People

Written by Linda Wilson

August 5, 2024

In our rapidly moving world, having a few psychological tricks up your sleeve can be huge life enhancers. Little cognitive nudges and mental leverage go a long way toward smoothing out the friction points that tend to arise in daily life. With some thoughtful observation of how our minds operate, suddenly, many roadblocks turn into opportunities for connection, persuasion, and self-optimization.

As a life coach helping clients blast through their limitations, I’ve studied and applied numerous psychological techniques. Let me share ten of my favorites.

1. The De-escalator

Do you find yourself occasionally caught in the crossfire of someone’s misdirected anger or aggression? Instead of engaging, defuse the flames by simply eating a snack in their presence. Our primal brains are hardwired to associate consuming food with a state of relaxation and calm.

Subconsciously observing you nourishing yourself sends the signal that there’s no present danger requiring an amped-up fight-or-flight response. I’ve witnessed the “snackman effect” in action many times — a tense confrontation is simmering, then someone pulls out a treat to eat, and within moments, the anger dissipates. It’s a beautiful phenomenon that demonstrates the neurological overlap between nourishment and safety. Keep some portable snacks on hand as your secret anger-extinguishing tool.

2. The Foot-in-the-Door

Have you ever been asked for a small favor (borrowing a pen, holding someone’s coffee for a minute), and after obliging, found yourself more inclined to agree to a bigger subsequent request? That’s the foot-in-the-door technique at work. Once we’ve committed to being helpful in some minimal way, our innate desire to be seen as consistent people makes us far more likely to continue extending assistance.

This is an extremely helpful psychological hack for smoothing the path to bigger commitments, such as spouses asking each other for major favors. Rationally, we might initially balk at the larger imposition, but by preceding it with a minor request that’s hard to refuse, the bigger ask doesn’t seem like such an unreasonable escalation after we’ve already helpfully agreed to the small one.

3. Bossy’s Trick

As a life coach counseling high-achieving executives and entrepreneurs, I’ve witnessed firsthand how selectively wielding someone’s name in conversation commands instantaneous attention, a phenomenon known as the cocktail party effect. During group sessions, whenever I sensed my client Elise’s mind starting to drift, I’d sharply call out, “Elise!” to puncture her reverie. Like a cosmic tuning fork, her focus immediately rezoned onto me and whatever guidance I was imparting.

Spouses and parents especially should take note — employing this trick is a powerful way to cut through the distracting noise and assign weight to your message. Just be judicious about deploying it only when the circumstance calls for such an attention draw.

4. The Intimacy Disarmer

Need to engage with someone who tends toward confrontation and combative behavior? Force their shield down by strategically positioning yourself to sit directly beside rather than across from them. Our psychological firmware deprioritizes aggression when in an intimate zone where personal space is encroached. Seated in close quarters, it feels jarring and uncomfortable to unleash hostilities point-blank on someone sharing the same personal radius.

I use this positioning to great effect when facilitating peace talks between feuding business partners or divorcing couples attempting mediation. Allowing zero physical distance takes the edge off their approach and resets things to a more constructive tone. In those sensitive cases, the adjustment of a few feet can pave the way for substantive progress.

5. Boss the Crowd

We’ve all experienced being stuck in a mosh pit of pedestrian traffic, anxious to get somewhere yet unable to make any forward progress against the dense flow. Rather than resign yourself to stop-and-go shuffle mode, employ this traffic-parting visualization hack. Keep your eyes laser-focused on the destination endpoint you want to reach, never breaking that line of sight.

Concentrating all your energy into that tunnel-vision objective while moving forward purposefully creates a subconscious ripple effect, motivating those around you to unconsciously yield and part your path. After witnessing the astounding clearing effect this can have, you’ll feel silly if you ever allow yourself to be stifled by crowd inertia. Of course, deploy this technique mindfully and don’t attempt to bully your way through — it only works because those ahead pick up on the strength of your intention and unobstructed forward commitment.

6. The Prejudice Diffuser

First impressions matter immensely in establishing fruitful connections, yet our instinctive evaluations of strangers are hopelessly contaminated by unconscious biases. Research indicates there’s a reliable technique for overriding that faulty first impression wiring — keep your hands physically warm during introductory interactions.

Our psychological firmware associates warm palms with warmth of personality and positive rapport. When positioning for the first handshake, I often grasp a mug of tea beforehand to infuse some literal warmth into that initial moment of meeting. The released heat signature sends cues to the other party’s brain that encourage assigning you an affable and friendly initial impression before conscious judgments have a chance to solidify. It seems like such a superficial hack, yet this little warmth focus reshuffles the subtle calculus of psychological safety versus threat in your favor right out of the gate.

7.Pavlovian Anchors

A modern update on Pavlov’s famous conditioning experiments provides further creative levers we can pull to optimize our cognitive programming. By deliberately pairing desired states of focus, retention, or motivation with particular sensory anchors, we help lock in useful habituated behaviors.

My clients looking to turbocharge their academic performance use scented pens or candies exclusively during peak study sessions, then reintroduce those fragrances during exams to subliminally re-trigger those neural pathways imprinting the material. For my busy corporate clients, I suggest booking recurring meetings that always align with a specific audio tone issued by their scheduling software.

Over time, Pavlov-style conditioning kicks in, and merely hearing that tone, no matter the setting, automatically primes their minds to refocus on work priorities. Just be judicious about consistent sensory association — classical conditioning depends entirely on never mixing the pairings.

8. Summoning Trust

When communicating important advice or guidance that you need to be respected, introduce an implicit bias trap that cloaks your message in third-party credibility.

Rather than stating your position as personal opinion, simply attribute the message to an authoritative third party: “You know, my father always insisted that in situations like this, it’s wisest to…” or “The leadership trainers I respect always advocated for…” or “All the attended I trust most on this subject agree that…” By routing your advice through that external oracle, you activate our psychological tendency to automatically grant more weight and trust to positions that arrive pre-endorsed by any authoritative-seeming source.

While this framing is technically a logical fallacy since the advocating source hasn’t been vetted, bypassing that layer of skepticism allows your message to land with maximum resonance. Use this trust-summoning technique judiciously and back it up with substance.

9. The Attitude Overhaul

Life coaches constantly grapple with upgrading clients’ mindsets and breaking down self-sabotaging patterns of thought and behavior. A profoundly effective catalyst for that difficult process involves purposefully leveraging cognitive dissonance — our brains’ aversion to holding simultaneous contradictory attitudes. Once you shine a light on clients’ conflicts between their stated values and incongruous actions, their prefrontal cortex revolts against the mental tension, demanding a resolution of the disharmony.

For example, say a client like Tim claims to prioritize physical fitness as a core lifestyle pillar yet habitually skips workouts in favor of more immediately gratifying options. During coaching sessions, you’d review Tim’s supposedly enshrined value of fitness, then pointedly gesture toward his unused gym membership collecting dust. The ensuing wave of dissonance discomfort — his brain recognizing the gap between his espoused philosophy and contradictory facts on the ground — becomes motivation to finally take corrective action and sync up his behaviors with his beliefs.

Suddenly, utilizing that gym membership is no longer a struggle of wills — it’s his psyche’s automated mechanism for alleviating a cringe worthy state of cognitive dissonance. In resolving the clash, Tim finally embodies his claimed devotion to personal fitness.

10. The Accountability Accelerator

As humans, we have a deep-seated drive to behave consistently with our stated commitments — publicly voicing intentions around others creates an inner obligation to follow through. You can hack this psychological tendency toward consistency to propel yourself through difficult habit changes or goals.

The key is to make your aimed-for action a public declaration, spoken out loud to loved ones or friends whose opinions you care about. Once you’ve conscripted their awareness as accountability partners, your mind engages an override that perceives straying from the stated intention as a violation of your self-identity. Failure to make good on the declared aim registers as a threat to how you’re perceived and respected by those you admire.

This gentle, self-imposed social pressure provides just the nudge many need to make challenging new habits stick. One client, Jared, struggled for years to establish a consistent meditation practice, constantly backsliding despite his intellectual understanding of the immense benefits. After some coaching, Jared agreed to declare his intention to meditate daily for 30 minutes to his wife, mother, and best friend — people whose regard deeply mattered to him.

That subtle social accountability activated Jared’s inner “consistency-enforcer,” finally allowing the meditation routine to solidify into an ingrained daily behavior. His psyche couldn’t bear deviating from the proclaimed commitment without enduring pangs of embarrassment and letting down those close supporters.

I’ve seen this accountability trick provide the traction so many need to manifest all sorts of aspirational goals — writing that first book, losing weight, breaking alcohol habits, launching a business, and you name it. Simply by leveraging our hard-wired obsession with external consistency, airy ambitions transform into tangible realities. Just a bit of well-aimed social pressure gives motivation teeth. If you’ve got a personal mountain to climb, make sure to take some witnesses along for the journey!

I hope these ten powerful psychological tricks provide some refreshing lenses through which to perceive your life differently. Reality doesn’t need to be a rigid structure that we simply endure — with a few clever framing techniques. Our mindsets can be gently reprogrammed toward more intentional modes of being.

Implement any of these insights, and notice how former sticking points start transforming into opportunities for growth and self-actualization. Our brains are incredible machines governed by predictable principles. Why not artfully optimize their operating code to your advantage?