15 Science-Backed Ways to Attract People and Be More Socially Magnetic

September 13, 2023

So, guessing by the fact that you clicked this link, you probably want to improve your social skills and attract more people into your life. Lucky you! There’s a whole body of psychological research that can help with that. 


But before you try to put yourself out there more and make new connections, it’d be good to work on yourself first and strengthen your social magnetism, don’t you think? Luckily for us, psychology has uncovered a lot about how to become more magnetic, confident, and charismatic. With that said, here are 15 science-backed ways to be more socially magnetic and attract others:


1. Exude Calm Rather Than Anxiety 


Being present and relaxed in social situations allows others to feel at ease around you. Getting stuck in your head and overthinking makes you seem nervous. Instead, focus on enjoying interactions by consciously deciding to be calm. Your relaxed energy will influence those around you positively.


2. Drop Shameful Habits That Hurt Confidence  


A big part of social confidence comes from living intentionally and taking pride in your actions. Behaving in ways that make you feel bad about yourself projects insecurity that pushes people away. Do what makes you proud.


3. Listen Fully Instead Of Just Waiting To Talk


Paying attention to someone shows you value them. Nodding, using encouraging words like “Oh?” and paraphrasing what they said demonstrates genuine interest. This level of active listening makes people feel appreciated.  


4. Maintain Some Mystery  


Revealing yourself too quickly leaves nothing for others to discover. Allowing some mystery to remain piques curiosity and interest. Share thoughtfully; don’t put all your cards on the table.


5. Open Up Your Body Language


Nerves make us close up physically and psychologically. But this can communicate rejection. Make an effort to physically open up, take up relaxed space, and drop your shoulders. This signals welcoming energy.


6. Soften Your Facial Expressions


It’s easy for faces to unintentionally appear stern or intense. Smiling lightly softens your expression and makes you look pleasant. You’ll come across as more approachable.


7. Make Others Feel Important  


People gravitate toward those who make them feel good about themselves. Forget about your own insecurities. Make others feel great through genuine compliments, validation, and interest in their experiences. 


8. Move Slowly and Smoothly


Quick, jerky movements convey anxiety. Slow, smooth motions demonstrate poise and self-assurance. The mindful movement also calms the nervous system so you think clearly.


9. Ask Unique Questions


Ask about people’s inner worlds, passions, and quirks to show genuine curiosity. We get stuck talking about ourselves and our problems. Your interest in their hidden sides is captivating.


10. Rise Above Negativity


It’s easy to gossip, criticize, and complain. But dwelling in the negative drags interactions down. Demonstrate class by steering conversations into more uplifting territory. Be the one to inject optimism.


11. Smile Genuinely


Smiles that reach your eyes release feel-good hormones in you and others. It signals warmth and creates pleasant interactions for all involved.


12. Use Open Body Language  


Subtle gestures like uncrossed arms, leaning in, and tilting your head make you seem welcoming. Closed-off body language can come across as unapproachable and rejecting. 


13. Laugh at Yourself


Being able to laugh at yourself and find humor in awkward interactions makes you more relatable. It also diffuses anxiety all around. Levity builds connections.


14. Be An Active Listener


Listen fully to what people say. Ask follow-up questions. Paraphrase their words back. Match their body language. Your attention shows your interest.


15. Accept Compliments Gracefully 


Don’t deflect or downplay praise. A confident “Thank you!” signals you know your worth. It also makes the giver feel good about the nice thing they said.


To summarize, taking a compassionate look at yourself, working on your social skills, and focusing on others is key to increasing your magnetism. With consistent practice, these science-backed behaviors become natural. You’ll act from a place of confidence, not fear. People will surely take notice!


So, do you feel ready to put yourself out there more socially and attract people into your life? Or are there areas you still want to work on improving first? Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!




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